WriteCast - Between the Pages

The 1000/100 Project: Episode 1

WriteMentor Season 1 Episode 1

What is this?
Simply put, I want to see if it’s possible for me to go down the SP route and sell 1000 copies of the book, and get 100 reviews within 12 months!
You will be able to follow my progress via this podcast.

Ambitious? Yup! Kesia Lupo recently said on Twitter that any self-published author getting over 1000 sales is doing great! My good friend Sally is close - she just needs a few more to push her to the target and so it’s given me belief that this is possible.

It’s about showing that it’s possible to self-publish well and to the same quality and standard as traditional publishing. 
The landscape is changing. And I’m ready to take a different path.

Episode 1

How writing and a rejection cycle of 10+ years has made me feel
What we think trad publishing will bring us
What it actually brings us
Why I’ve decided to self publish
What I’ve decided to self publish
How I’ve decided to self publish
Power transference
How making this choice has made me feel since
The best view comes after the hardest climb (opening image in my book, too)
Why my writing and book(s) are important - what impact will they have? Legacy? Who will benefit?
Will my family, my wife, my children be proud? Will I tell my friends? What if my parents find out? Will they care? 
What’s to come 
- my own progress towards the goal
- a comprehensive look at what’s involved in self-publishing a children’s book to a high standard
- a story in itself - not just the story in the book but the story of a single person, with a team of supportive professionals trying to do something of importance and worth - to me if not to anyone else
- a series of interviews with the professionals involved (and others not involved with me directly, eventually)
- Other SP authors and their journeys - as no 2 journeys are ever the same